Finding My Model Number
Your model number, version and also serial number can be found on a sticker or rating plate.
For Vacuum Cleaners (floor care) and also small appliances this can usually be found on the base, side or back of the appliance.
Label Location for Vacuum Cleaners.
Similarly, large appliances will have a rating plate on the back. But large appliances will usually also have one accessible from the front. For Laundry appliances (Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers and also Washer Dryers). the rating label is usually on the door or the rim of the porthole.
Label Location for Large Appliances.
The rating plate or label for Dishwashers is usually on the top or side of the door. On dishwashers it is sometimes printed directly on to the metal and can be hard to see. Try shinning a torch round the edges of door when it is open.
Label Location for Dishwashers.
With cookers, and similarly ovens. the rating label is frequently found on the rim of the main oven cavity once the door is open.
Label Location for Cookers and also Ovens.
Refrigeration products (Fridges, Freezers and also Fridge Freezers). will usually have a label to the side of the bottom drawer on the freezer. or similarly, to the side of the salad crisper in the fridge.
Label Location for Fridge Freezers, Fridges and also Freezers.
Look on the back of TV’s for Rating Labels. and similarly media players. recorders and also streaming equipment will have a label at the back or underneath.
Label Location for TV.
What does Model Number look like?
A Model number usually consists of a series of letters and numbers. They may also include characters such as a slash (/), underscore (_) or a dash (-). If the model does not show any results in the search try it again without any of these characters.
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